
Author name: Dr. Seema Gupta MD

With over 27+ years, I specialize in women’s health, combining my medical expertise with the time-tested principles of Ayurveda. My mission is to guide you toward holistic well-being by addressing root causes and promoting natural healing. Join me in embracing a healthier, balanced life.

Pregnacy Care, Womencare

Why Garbh Sanskar Matters: Discover the Importance, Benefits, and Perfect Timing for Expecting Mothers

Will Garbh Sanskar and pregnancy actually make the baby smarter? Did Abhimanyu, Prahlada, Hanuman, and Ashtavakra really learn from stories they heard in the womb? Believe it or not, babies can hear, imbibe, and learn in some unusual ways while in the womb, and what they receive as inputs has a powerful role in shaping their minds and temperaments. The fundamental principle underlying Garbh Sanskar practices, which means education in the womb, is that the unborn baby is able to sense, feel, listen, dream, and respond to outside stimuli and environments like thoughts and feelings of the mother, music, and parents talking to it. In this article, you will know if these claims are true or not. If music has any benefits beyond general relaxation for mom and baby. The Role of Hormones in Fetal Brain Development Did you know that more than 60 percent of a baby’s brain development happens in the womb? What directly affects it is hormonal bathing or the shower of hormones that the mom’s body releases. Now, is it the shower of stress hormones like cortisol or the good hormones generated by happiness like serotonin and dopamine? That’s what makes the difference. Garbh Sanskar activities like Garbh Samvad (talking to the baby), reading or listening to scriptures or stories that teach good values, listening to calming music, engaging in pregnancy yoga practices, and pranayama (breathing exercises) have been found to create a shower of happy hormones in the womb. A study has proven that if the mother is depressed during pregnancy, the baby also acquires a tendency for depression. A simple Garbh Sanskar recommendation, the Bhramari Pranayama, fills the mother with resonance and harmony. The “Om” sound released in the body boosts the production of nitric oxide, calming the mother and helping the baby’s cells build peaceful paths with each other. Impact of Stress on Maternal Health and Baby Development Another study shows that cortisol, a bad hormone with damaging effects on the brain, reaches the unborn baby when the mother is a victim of abuse and/or is stressed over a long period. This cortisol can cross the placenta when a pregnant woman is under a high degree of stress and affects the baby’s brain development, specifically memory. In addition, stressed mothers are more susceptible to infection and illness during pregnancy, alongside risks of preterm labor, preterm delivery, low infant birth weight, pre-eclampsia, and gestational diabetes. Traditional Practices for Pregnancy Wellness – Garbh Sanskar Yog Nidra meditation, as recommended by Garbh Sanskar, can calm the mind and also cure mild pregnancy edema. It helps cope with the increasing tiredness of the last months of pregnancy. Postnatally, Yog Nidra gives relaxation despite the sleepless nights with the newborn baby. Studies show that it reduces stress and postnatal depression and increases the production of breast milk. According to a Harvard study, unborn infants respond to more than just physical touch—they respond to their mother’s emotional state as well. It says that when mothers watch sad films, babies move less, but when a mother laughs, ultrasound images show that the baby is bouncing around happily. Another research has proven that the fetus can record much more detailed information than was previously taught and that the memory of the same remains intact even after birth. So, the pregnant woman should read good literature aloud to the baby. Read more, How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy and Beyond : The Proven Tips When Should Garbh Sanskar Begin? Garbh Sanskar’s “talk to baby” activities can start as early as 16 weeks of pregnancy. Mantra chanting (“Man” means mind and “Tra” means release) helps in keeping the energies flowing through the pregnant woman’s body, maintaining a state of resonance. It increases oxygen in her brain, reduces heart rate and blood pressure, and assists in creating calm brainwave activity. It helps prevent pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, and intrauterine growth retardation. Know the bonus: The resonance also reaches the baby’s brain and forms cell connections for growth. One study found that around 24 weeks, the babies developed specific preferences for music while in the womb. So now our question: does listening to music do anything more than calming the mom and baby? In a study, researchers studying pregnant women who listened to the Carnatic music of Kalyani Raga for 20 minutes each day found an improvement in the unborn baby’s reflexes, responses, movement, and mental stimulation. Classical music was growing the baby’s brain. Double Benefits for Mother and Baby – Garbh Sanskar Garbh Sanskar not only benefits the unborn baby but the mom as well. It not only inculcates positive thinking and attitude but also promotes overall physical well-being.  Every little effort the pregnant woman makes to connect with the baby with thoughts, mantras, pregnancy yoga classes, and stories from mythology works powerfully. Understanding Garbh Sanskar: The Basics Garbh Sanskar, you may have heard this word. What does it mean? “Garbh” means womb, and “Sanskar” means instilling values. So, instilling values in the unborn child is nothing but Garbh Sanskar. With just a few simple traditional practices and Garbh Sanskar activities, you can contribute to your child’s cognitive development, and it also helps the mother. So, there is a double benefit—to the mother and the baby. As we have discussed earlier, scientific research and evidence have proven that babies in the womb have an infinite capacity to grow their minds and senses by simple external stimulation. The baby is not an object inside; it is a live, kicking human in development. So, this is the right time to instill good values in your child. Connecting to Your Baby During Pregnancy Now, how does a pregnant woman connect to the baby using Garbh Sanskar practices? Let’s say you watched a web show today, and there was a lot of violence in it. Do you know the thoughts generated in your mind reached the baby promptly and impacted the baby as well? In Garbh Sanskar, we think about good things, we do things that increase happiness hormones, and they impact our baby directly. Garbh Sanskar tells us how to actually synchronize everything. A simple example: if

Household Products

The Silent Threat: Common Household Products and Women’s Health

Learn how common household products made women sick. At home, we are surrounded by products we use daily without a second thought. From personal care products to cleaning products, these household products have become essential to our routines.  But, some everyday products may harbor a hidden danger, especially to women’s health. Women tend to use more personal care on average than men and they may be exposed more to some household chemicals because of traditional gender roles regarding household maintenance.  More exposure means women will face a higher risk for potential health concerns tied to these products as microbes in household products as well as environmental health risks of house. It is important to know these risks and make educated decisions on the products we bring into our homes to safeguard ourselves and the health of our families. Household Products List I. The Hidden Dangers in Your Bathroom  Your bathroom is more than just a needy space; it’s where you start and end your day.  However, the warm, humid environment of the bathroom can turn some seemingly harmless items into health hazards.  Here are five things you should never keep in the bathroom: Hidden Dangers in Bathrooms 1. Old Razors – Household Products  Old razors are the breeding ground for bacteria. As they sit in the moist environment of your bathroom, rust can develop, and the blades become dull, increasing the risk of cuts and infections.  Replace your razor blades regularly or switch to a high-quality electric razor to avoid this issue. 2. Harsh Antibacterial Soaps – Hidden Dangers in Bathrooms While harsh antibacterial soaps may feel like the best defense against germs, they can actually be bad for your skin health.  These soaps often contain powerful chemicals that strip away the natural oils protecting your skin and disrupt the natural balance of bacteria. This may cause dryness, irritation, and even conditions like eczema. Instead of harsh antibacterial soaps, use soaps made with ingredients like aloe vera, coconut oil, and essential oils.  These support the balance of your skin, helping you maintain healthy, hydrated skin without the risk of irritation and dryness. Read also, 10 Reasons for Faint Line on Pregnancy Test 3. Scented Candles – Household Products  While scented candles can create a relaxing atmosphere, keeping them in the bathroom might not be the best idea. The moisture in the air can affect the quality of the candle, causing it to lose its fragrance over time. Additionally, some scented candles contain harmful chemicals that can be released into the air when burned, especially in a small, enclosed space like a bathroom.  Opt for natural alternatives like essential oil diffusers, which are safer and more effective in maintaining a pleasant aroma. 4. Old or Unused Makeup – Hidden Dangers in Bathrooms Makeup can harbor bacteria, especially when kept in a damp environment like the bathroom especially when bathroom ventilation is not proper. Old or unused products can cause skin irritation, breakouts, and even eye infections. Regularly declutter your old makeup and ensure that all products are stored in a cool and dry place to prolong their shelf life. 5. Damp Towels and Loofahs – Household Products  Towels and loofahs are prime environments for mold and bacteria. When left damp in the bathroom, they don’t always dry completely, especially in poorly ventilated spaces. After use, make sure to hang them outside the bathroom in a well-ventilated area or wash them frequently in hot water to keep them fresh and hygienic. Remember, your bathroom should be a retreat—a place where you can focus on self-care and relaxation so bathroom ventilation should be proper.  By removing these five items, you can ensure that this space remains safe and healthy, allowing you to fully enjoy the peace it’s meant to offer. The bathroom is a place for relaxation and peace. When these harmful items are removed, you will definitely have that peaceful and relaxing time that the bathroom is meant to provide. II. Personal Care Products A. Hair dyes and relaxers – Personal Care Product Safety Hair dyes and relaxers tend to also include aggressive chemicals that can irritate the scalp, and they can potentially be absorbed into the body through the skin.  B. Nail polish and removers – Household Products Nail polish and gel nail products often contain chemicals such as formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate (DBP), which have been tied to respiratory problems and hormone disruption and may cause fertility impacts.  C. Cosmetics and Skin Care Products – Personal Care Product Safety Many cosmetics and skincare products contain parabens, preservatives that can mimic the hormone estrogen in the body.  Although the long-term impact of low-level exposure is yet to be fully established, some scientists are concerned about possible associations with breast cancer and fertility impacts. III. Cleaning Supplies – Household Products A. All-purpose cleaners Many all-purpose cleaners contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs)! But regular use of cleaning products has been as damaging to lung function as smoking cigarettes, some studies have proposed. B. Laundry soaps and fabric softeners These Household Products often contain fragrances and other chemicals, which can lead to skin irritations and allergic reactions in those with sensitive skin.  Certain components of fabric softeners have been associated with respiratory problems and fertility impacts. C. Air fresheners and Room Deodorizers – Household Products Air fresheners can contain known endocrine disruptors, like phthalates. Regular exposure to such chemicals may impact reproductive health and fetal development during pregnancy. IV. Food Packaging and Plastic Containers A. Plastic Water Bottles and Food Storage Containers Plastic containers often include bisphenol A  (BPA) or similar chemicals that may leach into food and beverages.  Microplastics and Fertility – These chemicals have been associated with hormonal disruptions and reproductive problems. B. Non-stick cookware – Household Products When heated, non-stick cookware can emit a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, which has been associated with thyroid disease, infertility, and some cancers. C. Canned food linings Certain canned food linings contain BPA and can leach into the food. Regular consumption of canned foods may increase exposure to BPA. V. Feminine Hygiene Products A. Tampons and pads – Personal Care Product Safety They may also contain traces of dioxins used in the bleaching process and toxins from pesticides used on non-biological cotton.  Though levels are usually deemed low. B. Douches and intimate washes Frequent usage of douches and intimate washes may interfere with the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina, which can cause infections.  Others can contain dangerous chemicals that seep into delicate tissues. C. Menstrual cups and other alternatives – Personal Care Product Safety Although generally seen as low-risk alternatives, certain Household Products like menstrual cups may be manufactured from materials that can potentially be of concern.  One should research the materials

How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy
Pregnacy Care, Womencare

How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy and Beyond : The Proven Tips

Hi Mommy, Do you want to know, How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy? We all want a very intelligent child. I, Dr. Seema Gupta, will tell you four simple ways, how your child can be very intelligent.  We know, in pregnancy, we do several things to increase the intelligence of the baby. One thing that we are doing, a lot is eating, the right kind of food for an intelligent baby during pregnancy.  To make the baby smarter, to boost the baby’s IQ, for fetal brain development, and for better cognitive development of the baby, prenatal nutrition, prenatal exercise, a healthy lifestyle, nutrition for pregnant women, and the importance of hydration, all are very necessary tools. But besides food, maternal mental well-being, your thoughts really impact your baby’s development. Dimensions of human intelligence Now, what is the role of intelligence in human life?  You can make your baby smarter by increasing its IQ, SQ, EQ, and AQ.  Now, what is intelligence?  The ability to respond in a certain situation with balanced emotions is intelligence. What are the dimensions of human intelligence? It is: Brain Development Tips Different parts of the brain control different things. So, when you involve your entire brain – left side, right side, midbrain – and use the complete brain, you can have a very intelligent baby. The left part of the brain is important for IQ and rational thinking. It happens by serial processing of information. Intellectual intelligence is on this side. Read more, 10 Reasons for Faint Line on Pregnancy Test How does IQ grow? Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy The right side of the brain, on the other hand, is responsible for emotional quotient and creativity.  When you’re doing different activities, both these parts of the brain work. Now, the SQ, or Spiritual Quotient, balances both the left and the right sides of the brain.  The Agility Quotient, again, integrates all these three things together, making you strong and happy. According to the WHO, what is health?  “It is the state of physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being, and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.” William Stern termed IQ. He said there’s something called Intelligent Quotient.  What is that?  Our cognitive ability to solve problems rationally while understanding and interpreting new ideas. Daniel Goleman coined EQ – Emotional Quotient. He said just using your intelligence is not enough if emotions are not there. Zohar and Marshall termed SQ, or Spiritual Quotient. They explained its importance: if the leaves are good, it is important, but the roots have to be deep-rooted and strong to have a good world. How to boost baby IQ? Do you think it is possible to boost the IQ in a baby? How can you do it? Zohar and Marshall said that computers have IQ, and animals have EQ, but humans are different because they have a Spiritual Quotient (SQ). So, what sets us apart is the SQ.  When you go home and have a pet dog, it shows only love, love, love. When you go to the office in the corporate world, everybody is using their intelligence. But as humans, if you are spiritually connected, you can balance all these. What are the activities you can do?  You can play puzzles, solve riddles, and read information blogs.  Read more, How to Get Periods Immediately if Delayed – Treatment How to increase EQ? Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy Now, how to increase the Emotional Quotient (right side of the brain, that is creativity)? Classical Music and Babies Listen to ragas. Talk to your baby. Program your baby – they are right there inside you.  You can even feel the movements of your baby, so talk to them and connect. Emotions develop at different stages of your pregnancy. The senses are developing, emotions are developing, feelings are developing – and all this starts in utero.  So, when you become creative, you can pick hobbies like drawing, painting, mandala art, rangoli, bird watching, or photography.  All these will increase fetal stimulation and the right brain development. The brain is the only organ in our body that can be sculpted during pregnancy. So, whatever seeds you sow will grow in your baby. How to increase SQ? Now, how can you increase your SQ? What activities can help?  On your mobile phone, you may be having lots of meditation for you.  You can listen to stories, especially moral stories. When you read these stories, your feelings and emotions will automatically transfer to your baby. There are several books to read during pregnancy for intelligent baby This is not formal education. Remember, your baby hears everything and watches you constantly – like a CCTV! These activities will work as educational activities for babies In 1990, a research study by neurophysiologist Michael Persinger and neurologist V.S. Ramachandran at the University of California discovered the “God Spot” in the temporal lobe of the brain.  On scanning, they noticed that when they spoke about spirituality, this spot would start glowing. These are the intelligent baby signs. We have a brain, a body, and a mind. All these three things together make us who we are. How to increase AQ? The Agility Quotient is very important. It’s a combination of a person’s mindset, skills, and tools for dealing with change. If you don’t have that fire within to balance everything, you will lose the battle soon.  So, it is important to integrate all four qualities (IQ, EQ, SQ, AQ) when your baby is growing, for them to be complete, strong, and healthy – both physically and mentally. Only you, as a mother, along with your husband and immediate family, can bring this safety and security through your bonding activities when the baby is in the womb. Studies have proven that so many problems start from the womb. So, don’t be stressed or tense, because those emotions will pass on to your baby. Reduce stress during pregnancy I want you to be absolutely healthy – physically, mentally, and spiritually. Spirituality doesn’t mean religion.  Many people in the research showed that atheists had more values than so-called religious people. So, just stay happy, play good games, and do positive activities for the fetal brain development. I hope this article, How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy, will be useful for

No Bleeding After MTP Kit

Experiencing No Bleeding After MTP Kit? Discover the Common Reasons and Next Steps!

Have you recently used an MTP Kit and found yourself anxiously checking for any signs of bleeding? Are you experiencing less bleeding after taking an unwanted kit or no heavy bleeding after misoprostol or misoprostol cramps but no bleeding or, no bleeding after misoprostol or, no bleeding after taking misoprostol,  You’re not alone! Many women experience this type of confusion, often getting worried that the absence of bleeding means something is wrong.  In today’s busy life, we often face situations where we make mistakes due to a lack of medical information.  Using the MTP kit correctly and understanding its associated precautions is very important.  In this article, we will learn in detail how to use this kit, what causes no bleeding, and what is the right solution to these problems. Also, we will learn, whether can abortion happen without bleeding. What happens if the unwanted kit is used but not bleeding? Is it normal to have no bleeding after an abortion? So, let’s explore together! Understanding the MTP Kit MTP Kit Composition  The MTP Kit contains a total of five tablets. It includes one tablet of mifepristone, which is 200 mg.  The remaining four tablets are of misoprostol. This kit is used for abortion, and if taken correctly and at the right time, it proves to be effective.  Correct Method to Take MTP Kit First of all, one single tablet of mifepristone is taken orally and after 48 hours of it, 4 tablets of misoprostol are taken altogether, sublingually or orally. Usually, bleeding starts within 30 minutes to 4 hours of taking misoprostol. Along with this, symptoms like cramps, lower abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting appear, which are the signs that the kit is working. How the MTP Kit Works Mifepristone works to block the hormone progesterone, essential for maintaining pregnancy. Misoprostol is then taken to induce contractions and expel the pregnancy tissue. These two work as a combo that usually works wonders! Effects of Mifepristone Read More, 10 Reasons for Faint Line on Pregnancy Test Often no symptoms are felt after taking the first tablet of Mifepristone. It does not cause bleeding or cramps. It mainly works to weaken the inner layer of the uterus, so that misoprostol can be effective.  After 48 hours of taking Mifepristone, 4 tablets of misoprostol are taken, which causes contractions in the uterus and starts the process of abortion. What to Expect After Taking the MTP Kit Normal Symptoms After Use After using an MTP Kit, most females can expect some bleeding and cramping as the body responds to the medications. These are quite common symptoms and usually last a few days. Variation in Individuals’ Responses However, everyone’s body is unique. Factors like hormone levels, gestational age, and even lifestyle can influence how one responds. So, what’s “normal” can vary from person to person! No Bleeding After MTP Kit: What Does It Mean? Common Concerns Most of the females worry when they don’t bleed after using an MTP Kit. Does it mean the kit didn’t work? Is she still pregnant? It’s natural to feel concerned. When to Worry vs. When to Wait In some cases, it just means, your body is processing things differently. But how do you know when it’s time to take action? Let’s discuss it. Possible reasons for no Bleeding after taking MTP Kit  If there is no bleeding even after taking 4 tablets of misoprostol, then there can be many possible reasons for this.  Duration of Pregnancy The first reason is the duration of pregnancy. The unwanted kit is usually effective for pregnancy of less than 63 days (9 weeks). If the pregnancy is of more duration than this, the effect of the kit may be less. Wrong way or time of taking  The second reason is the intake of the kit in the wrong way or at the wrong time. It is very important to take Mifepristone and Misoprostol as per the prescribed time and method.  For example, if the gap between tablets is not correct or the tablets are not taken correctly, the results may not be as expected. Expired kit Another reason could be the kit being expired. It is necessary to check its expiry date before taking the medicine. Apart from this, the quality of local brand tablets can also have an impact. Individual Body Reactions Each body is different. Some might experience minimal bleeding or cramping, while others could have more significant symptoms. Your hormonal balance plays a big role too! Psychological Factors Stress and anxiety can play a major role in your body. If you’re feeling nervous, it might affect your physical response to the medication. So, calm down first! What is the Solution if no Bleeding after taking MTP Kit? If you have taken the kit correctly, bleeding should usually start within 7 days. But if this does not happen, do not panic.  Wait for 7 days first. If bleeding does not start even after that, then there may be a need to take the kit for the second time. How ​​to Take the MTP kit for the Second Time Take the Mifepristone tablet around 9 am, as medical help is easily available during the day. Take the Misoprostol tablets 48 hours later. Taking it sublingually (under the tongue) is most effective.  Place all four tablets under the tongue and allow them to dissolve for 30 minutes.  Also you can take theses tablets orally with water. When to contact a doctor? If bleeding does not occur even after taking the kit for the second time, it is mandatory to contact a doctor.  Chance may be that your pregnancy is late or it is a case of incomplete abortion. In such a situation, the doctor can correctly assess the situation through sonography or a blood test to check hormone levels and other tests and provide medical treatment. Read More, How to Get Periods Immediately if Delayed – Treatment Some important precautions Do not use the kit without consulting a doctor. If you

Faint Line on Pregnancy Test

10 Reasons for Faint Line on Pregnancy Test

10 Reasons for Faint Line on Pregnancy Test – Does It Mean Pregnancy or Not? Have you also, noticed a dark-colored line on the test card while doing a urine pregnancy test and the other line is very faint in comparison, light pink in color?  If you have seen it, then you might not be able to understand what it means, Yes, you are almost certainly pregnant or Does it mean pregnancy or not?  So look, if I tell you that it means pregnancy then it will be wrong, and if I tell you that it means that you are not pregnant then also it will be wrong, because there are 9 main reasons for this light line. There are 9 reasons why you get to see a faint line in the test card. Now you have to focus which is the reason in your case out of these 9 reasons you are getting to see a light line in the test card.  Before discussing the reasons, we will discuss how this test card works.  Pregnancy Test Card These test cards detect the pregnancy hormone present in the urine, which we call beta hCG.  When a woman becomes pregnant and the implantation has occurred and you’re in the early stages of pregnancy, the baby starts producing this pregnancy hormone, which we call beta hCG. After some time, this pregnancy hormone comes out of the body through the woman’s urine.  In such a situation, when you test for pregnancy based on signs and symptoms, or when many women do not have periods, and in such a situation when you test for pregnancy, you find that you see two lines in this test card due to beta hCG presence in the body. If you see two lines clearly, it indicates that you are pregnant. If you see one line in the test card, you are not pregnant. But, sometimes you get to see a faint line on pregnancy test card due to 9 reasons. Causes of Faint Line on Pregnancy Test There are 9 reasons for this line. We will discuss them one by one.  1. Early Preg Test Suppose you do a pregnancy test before missing the date of the period cycle, then you may see a light line. In such a condition, it may be that you have conceived.  Now if you want this line to become dark, then you have to do the test again. If you test again after 5 days, then this line becomes dark, if you have conceived. The beta hCG level almost doubles every 48- 72 hours in early pregnancy, so there is a chance of the right result after 5 days. 2. Irregular Period causing late ovulation  Women whose periods are irregular or who have the problem of PCOD or PCOS may have late ovulation, concerning their period date. What happens in such a situation is that even if you miss your period, and you do a pregnancy test even after 7 days of missed period, then also you may see a faint line. In such a situation, we will say that you are pregnant.  Now those who want the C and T lines on the card should be exactly the same, then for this, you will have to do the pregnancy test in the seventh to eighth week, according to your last period date. If you check pregnancy at the seventh to eighth week, then both these lines become the same in color. 3. MTP Kit After effect The next reason is that if you take pregnancy-terminating medicines, which are five pills which we call MTP kit, and you start bleeding, and after the bleeding stops, if you check pregnancy, then also you see a faint line.  This does not mean that your pregnancy has not been terminated or you are pregnant, but Because, generally the pregnancy test card shows you a faint line for 18 to 21 days.  In this case, for a good result, you have to check the pregnancy after 21 days. If your pregnancy is terminated, then you will see only one line in the pregnancy test card. Similarly, for those who get D&C done, even after cleaning, you can see a faint line in the pregnancy test card. You can see this line for up to 14 days.  Read Also, How to Get Periods Immediately if Delayed – Treatment 4. Natural Miscarriage  The next reason is miscarriage. Meaning, that you did not take any medicine, you did not get any surgical procedure like D&C done, and your pregnancy got terminated naturally, which we call miscarriage. If bleeding starts and if you check the pregnancy after the bleeding stops, then you get to see a faint line in the pregnancy test card.  This line may be pink faint line on pregnancy test or maybe very very faint line on pregnancy test almost invisible. You can see this line on the pregnancy test card for 21 to 28 days. 5. Missed Miscarriage In this case, there are the women whose pregnancy gets terminated and bleeding does not start, which we call a missed miscarriage,  In this case, also, you may see a very faint line on pregnancy test. If you get an ultrasound done, some products of the baby remain inside the uterus. Due to that, a faint line may be seen on the test card. This condition is called RPOC (Retained Products of Conception). It may occur due to the wrong use of pregnancy-terminating medicines, improper surgical intervention, or even after a natural miscarriage. 6. Ectopic pregnancy Ectopic pregnancy can also be a reason. Normally pregnancy grows inside the uterus, but if the baby gets implanted in the fallopian tube, then it is termed as ectopic pregnancy.  In this situation also a faint line on pregnancy test kit may appear. This can be a life-threatening situation, which requires immediate surgical intervention. 7. Chemical Pregnancy Another reason is chemical pregnancy. In this case, due to medicines or chemicals, a fake positive result is seen on the test card. This happens when fertility treatment is taken or an HCG injection is given. 8. Underrated Pregnancy Test Card If you use a local brand, expired, or poorly stored Pregnancy test card, you can get a false positive result.  9. Medical Conditions A light faint line on pregnancy test can also appear due to the effect of hormonal problems. For PCOD, thyroid, or other medicines. 10. The urine used for the sample is pretty diluted. A light line can also appear in the test card due to diluted urine. It happwhen a urine test sample is taken after drinking a lot of water or other fluids. So, friends, these were 10 seasons for faint lines on pregnancy test

How to Get Periods Immediately

How to Get Periods Immediately if Delayed – Treatment

In this article,  we will discuss, How to Get Periods Immediately if Delayed, why you miss your periods and if this problem bothers you, then which medicine will solve your problem. So friends, first of all, let’s know the causes, of why your periods are missed.  Late Periods Reason 1. Stress The first one is stress. If you are under a lot of stress, have anxiety, and worry, then this also becomes a reason, a major reason that your periods are missed, the date of your period has been postponed.  2. Contraceptive Pill – Irregular Periods The second reason is if you have taken any emergency contraceptive pill or a birth control pill, then this is also a reason for your periods being missed.  3. Being Underweight or Overweight The third reason is underweight or overweight. If your weight is much less than normal or much more than normal, then this also becomes a reason for your periods being missed. 4. Irregular Menstrual Cycles in Young Girls – Menstrual Irregularities The next reason is if your periods have just started. This means that girls whose period cycles have just begun, whose ages are 12, 13, or 14 years, can also miss their periods.  5. Menopause Time Those females who are close to menopause, meaning if your age is around 45 years, then you can miss your periods.  6. Thyroid Problems – How to Get Periods Immediately Next is a thyroid problem. If you have a problem activating hormones like T3, T4, and thyroxine, then also you can miss your periods. 7. PCOS Related Family History If someone in your family has a problem with PCOS, then also you can miss your periods.  8. Your Medical History – Irregular Period Causes If you have a problem with diabetes or you are taking any steroid medicine or you have had any disease for a long time, then also you can miss your periods.  9. Breastfeeding Period If you are a breastfeeding mother, then during breastfeeding a hormone, prolactin, increases a lot in the blood, due to which periods are missed. This can also be a reason for your periods to be missed. 10. Exercise If you exercise a lot, then this can also be a reason. Because during exercise the level of estrogen can decrease, which triggers your period cycle.  These are the reasons why your period cycle can be missed.  Learn menstrual solutions in our Women’s Health Guide. How to Get Periods Immediately Now let’s talk about the tablet, which will solve your problem. Friends, the name of the tablet is Norethisterone.  It also has some popular brands in India like, How to Get Periods Now the question is when will your periods come.  How to Get Periods Early – Precautions First, you have to confirm that your pregnancy test should be negative. Secondly, check for any underlying diseases like a tumor, cyst, or fibroid in the pelvic region.  If all this is clear and you are missing your periods due to hormonal imbalance, stress, or taking birth control pills, then this tablet will help you. Learn ovulation tracking here How to Use The Tablet – How to Get Periods Immediately Now let’s talk about how to use it.  The dosage of this tablet is twice a day, 5mg, with water after meals.  The reason for taking it after meals is that this tablet can sometimes cause nausea and vomiting. Therefore, it should be taken after eating food. Duration This tablet has to be taken twice a day after meals for five days continuously. After completing the course, your periods will come within one to ten days. There is no need to panic too much because it’s my experience that, women who are under more stress, their period cycle can be delayed further. So, friends, there is no need to panic. How to Get Periods Fast – How to Get Periods Immediately if Delayed If someone has to bring their period early, like due to any festival or party, then also this tablet is helpful. In that case, also, it has to be taken twice a day after meals for five days. It is to be kept in mind that if there is a big problem, then definitely consult a doctor.  To Get Periods Immediately, You can also try a tried and trusted home remedy.  How to Get Periods Immediately If Delayed Home Remedies If you have irregular periods due to any reason your period is stopped, then your period will start immediately, so how to make this drink and how to drink it, how many times to drink it, we will discuss here. Discover cycle insights here Home Remedy.  When to Drink This Remedy to Get Periods Immediately You need to drink this remedy twice a day for the better results: Duration to Take the Drink  You should take this remedy for 3 consecutive days. It’s highly effective for regulating periods. If you still don’t get your periods after 3 days, or if you continue to face this issue, consult a doctor as there might be another underlying problem. Why This Drink Works to Get Periods Immediately This drink contains miracle ingredients that have anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. The combination of cumin seeds, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, and other seeds works to regulate hormonal balance, cleanse the uterus, and help to reduce inflammation that might be delaying your periods. Jaggery helps to cleanse the body and improves blood circulation, on the other hand, turmeric reduces pain and infection. This makes the drink not only good for inducing periods but also a boon for overall reproductive health. This drink is a natural and effective way to regulate your periods. It’s simple to make, and the ingredients are easy to get. If you have irregular or delayed periods, try this drink for a few days, and you will see the results. Don’t forget to share your feedback after trying it! I’ll keep bringing you more effective home remedies to improve your health. Stay healthy and take care! I hope this article

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