Hi Mommy,
Do you want to know, How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy? We all want a very intelligent child. I, Dr. Seema Gupta, will tell you four simple ways, how your child can be very intelligent.
We know, in pregnancy, we do several things to increase the intelligence of the baby.
One thing that we are doing, a lot is eating, the right kind of food for an intelligent baby during pregnancy.

To make the baby smarter, to boost the baby’s IQ, for fetal brain development, and for better cognitive development of the baby, prenatal nutrition, prenatal exercise, a healthy lifestyle, nutrition for pregnant women, and the importance of hydration, all are very necessary tools.
But besides food, maternal mental well-being, your thoughts really impact your baby’s development.
Dimensions of human intelligence
Now, what is the role of intelligence in human life?
You can make your baby smarter by increasing its IQ, SQ, EQ, and AQ.
Now, what is intelligence?
The ability to respond in a certain situation with balanced emotions is intelligence.
What are the dimensions of human intelligence? It is:
- Cognitive, that is your IQ (Intelligent Quotient).
- Emotional Quotient (EQ).
- Spiritual Quotient (SQ).
- Agility Quotient (AQ), which is very important and cannot be ignored.
Brain Development Tips
Different parts of the brain control different things. So, when you involve your entire brain – left side, right side, midbrain – and use the complete brain, you can have a very intelligent baby.
The left part of the brain is important for IQ and rational thinking. It happens by serial processing of information. Intellectual intelligence is on this side.
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How does IQ grow? Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy
The right side of the brain, on the other hand, is responsible for emotional quotient and creativity.
When you’re doing different activities, both these parts of the brain work.
Now, the SQ, or Spiritual Quotient, balances both the left and the right sides of the brain.
The Agility Quotient, again, integrates all these three things together, making you strong and happy.
According to the WHO, what is health?
“It is the state of physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being, and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.”
William Stern termed IQ. He said there’s something called Intelligent Quotient.
What is that?
Our cognitive ability to solve problems rationally while understanding and interpreting new ideas.
Daniel Goleman coined EQ – Emotional Quotient. He said just using your intelligence is not enough if emotions are not there.
Zohar and Marshall termed SQ, or Spiritual Quotient. They explained its importance: if the leaves are good, it is important, but the roots have to be deep-rooted and strong to have a good world.
How to boost baby IQ?
Do you think it is possible to boost the IQ in a baby? How can you do it?
Zohar and Marshall said that computers have IQ, and animals have EQ, but humans are different because they have a Spiritual Quotient (SQ).
So, what sets us apart is the SQ.
When you go home and have a pet dog, it shows only love, love, love. When you go to the office in the corporate world, everybody is using their intelligence. But as humans, if you are spiritually connected, you can balance all these.
What are the activities you can do?
You can play puzzles, solve riddles, and read information blogs.
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How to increase EQ? Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy
Now, how to increase the Emotional Quotient (right side of the brain, that is creativity)?
Classical Music and Babies
Listen to ragas. Talk to your baby. Program your baby – they are right there inside you.
You can even feel the movements of your baby, so talk to them and connect. Emotions develop at different stages of your pregnancy.
The senses are developing, emotions are developing, feelings are developing – and all this starts in utero.
So, when you become creative, you can pick hobbies like drawing, painting, mandala art, rangoli, bird watching, or photography.
All these will increase fetal stimulation and the right brain development.
The brain is the only organ in our body that can be sculpted during pregnancy. So, whatever seeds you sow will grow in your baby.
How to increase SQ?
Now, how can you increase your SQ? What activities can help?
On your mobile phone, you may be having lots of meditation for you.
You can listen to stories, especially moral stories. When you read these stories, your feelings and emotions will automatically transfer to your baby.
There are several books to read during pregnancy for intelligent baby
This is not formal education. Remember, your baby hears everything and watches you constantly – like a CCTV! These activities will work as educational activities for babies
In 1990, a research study by neurophysiologist Michael Persinger and neurologist V.S. Ramachandran at the University of California discovered the “God Spot” in the temporal lobe of the brain.
On scanning, they noticed that when they spoke about spirituality, this spot would start glowing. These are the intelligent baby signs.
We have a brain, a body, and a mind. All these three things together make us who we are.
How to increase AQ?
The Agility Quotient is very important. It’s a combination of a person’s mindset, skills, and tools for dealing with change. If you don’t have that fire within to balance everything, you will lose the battle soon.
So, it is important to integrate all four qualities (IQ, EQ, SQ, AQ) when your baby is growing, for them to be complete, strong, and healthy – both physically and mentally.
Only you, as a mother, along with your husband and immediate family, can bring this safety and security through your bonding activities when the baby is in the womb.
Studies have proven that so many problems start from the womb. So, don’t be stressed or tense, because those emotions will pass on to your baby. Reduce stress during pregnancy
I want you to be absolutely healthy – physically, mentally, and spiritually. Spirituality doesn’t mean religion.
Many people in the research showed that atheists had more values than so-called religious people.
So, just stay happy, play good games, and do positive activities for the fetal brain development.
I hope this article, How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy, will be useful for you.
Is it possible for pregnancy to affect a baby’s intelligence?
Indeed, engaging in activities that enhance IQ, EQ, SQ, and AQ during pregnancy can influence the intellect of the unborn child. Puzzle-solving, music listening, and positive thinking are all productive activities.
How can I raise my IQ when pregnant? What is IQ?
The cognitive capacity to solve problems and comprehend novel concepts is called intelligence quotient, or IQ. Reading educational books and solving puzzles and riddles are examples of brain-stimulating activities that can raise IQ.
What effects does music have on a baby’s emotional growth (EQ)?
Classical music and babies – Ragas and other calming music have a beneficial effect on your baby’s emotional development. The right brain, which is in charge of creativity and emotional equilibrium, is stimulated by it.
How does my baby’s development relate to SQ (Spiritual Quotient)?
Your baby will be emotionally and cognitively sound, thanks to SQ’s ability to balance the left and right sides of the brain. SQ can be raised during pregnancy by practicing mindfulness, meditation, and moral storytelling.
What easy tasks can I perform to help my infant’s brain develop?
You can:
- Engage in emotional communication with your child.
- Work out riddles or puzzles.
- Take in some meditation or soothing music.
Take up artistic pursuits such as photography, painting, or mandala art.
What effects does stress have on my unborn child during pregnancy?
Your baby’s mental and emotional development may suffer as a result of stress. It’s critical to remain calm and relaxed during pregnancy since emotions like tension or anxiety are transferred to the unborn child.
Why is my baby’s agility quotient (AQ) essential, and what does it mean?
AQ is the capacity to adjust and react to difficulties. It ensures that your child has a strong and resilient attitude by integrating IQ, EQ, and SQ. Maintaining equilibrium and positivity can help to develop AQ.
Is it beneficial to read moral stories while pregnant?
Indeed, reading uplifting or moral stories has a favorable effect on your ideas and feelings, which are then passed on to your unborn child. It fosters emotional and spiritual intelligence.
Can hobbies and creativity help my child become smarter?
Of course! The right brain is stimulated by creative pursuits like painting, drawing, or birdwatching, which promotes emotional and creative intelligence.
Even if I’m not so religious, is spirituality still vital during pregnancy?
Indeed, spirituality—rather than religion—focuses on harmony and inner serenity. Engaging in mindfulness and meditation practices helps you maintain your composure and promotes your baby’s healthy brain development.
What are the main components of a baby’s overall brain development?
The four essential components are:
- Intelligence Quotient (IQ) for rational thought.
- Emotional Quotient (EQ) for feelings and imagination.
- Spiritual Quotient (SQ) for equilibrium and awareness.
- AQ (Agility Quotient) for resilience and flexibility.
How can I avoid stress while I’m pregnant?
To reduce stress during pregnancy:
- Engage in awareness and meditation.
- Take part in things that bring you joy.
- Be in a positive environment.
- Steer clear of unpleasant feelings and thoughts.
How does the brain ‘sculpt’ during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the brain is extremely flexible, and how it develops is influenced by your mental, emotional, and physical activity. The development of the baby’s brain is influenced by positive ideas and behaviors.
How does talking to the baby help in their intelligence development?
Positive feelings are transferred and emotional attachment is facilitated when you talk to your infant. Additionally, it fosters the growth of the infant’s emotional intelligence, sensations, and sentiments.tps://youtube.com/shorts/twHWP3tLyrI?feature=share