
cognitive development

Pregnacy Care, Womencare

Why Garbh Sanskar Matters: Discover the Importance, Benefits, and Perfect Timing for Expecting Mothers

Will Garbh Sanskar and pregnancy actually make the baby smarter? Did Abhimanyu, Prahlada, Hanuman, and Ashtavakra really learn from stories they heard in the womb? Believe it or not, babies can hear, imbibe, and learn in some unusual ways while in the womb, and what they receive as inputs has a powerful role in shaping their minds and temperaments. The fundamental principle underlying Garbh Sanskar practices, which means education in the womb, is that the unborn baby is able to sense, feel, listen, dream, and respond to outside stimuli and environments like thoughts and feelings of the mother, music, and parents talking to it. In this article, you will know if these claims are true or not. If music has any benefits beyond general relaxation for mom and baby. The Role of Hormones in Fetal Brain Development Did you know that more than 60 percent of a baby’s brain development happens in the womb? What directly affects it is hormonal bathing or the shower of hormones that the mom’s body releases. Now, is it the shower of stress hormones like cortisol or the good hormones generated by happiness like serotonin and dopamine? That’s what makes the difference. Garbh Sanskar activities like Garbh Samvad (talking to the baby), reading or listening to scriptures or stories that teach good values, listening to calming music, engaging in pregnancy yoga practices, and pranayama (breathing exercises) have been found to create a shower of happy hormones in the womb. A study has proven that if the mother is depressed during pregnancy, the baby also acquires a tendency for depression. A simple Garbh Sanskar recommendation, the Bhramari Pranayama, fills the mother with resonance and harmony. The “Om” sound released in the body boosts the production of nitric oxide, calming the mother and helping the baby’s cells build peaceful paths with each other. Impact of Stress on Maternal Health and Baby Development Another study shows that cortisol, a bad hormone with damaging effects on the brain, reaches the unborn baby when the mother is a victim of abuse and/or is stressed over a long period. This cortisol can cross the placenta when a pregnant woman is under a high degree of stress and affects the baby’s brain development, specifically memory. In addition, stressed mothers are more susceptible to infection and illness during pregnancy, alongside risks of preterm labor, preterm delivery, low infant birth weight, pre-eclampsia, and gestational diabetes. Traditional Practices for Pregnancy Wellness – Garbh Sanskar Yog Nidra meditation, as recommended by Garbh Sanskar, can calm the mind and also cure mild pregnancy edema. It helps cope with the increasing tiredness of the last months of pregnancy. Postnatally, Yog Nidra gives relaxation despite the sleepless nights with the newborn baby. Studies show that it reduces stress and postnatal depression and increases the production of breast milk. According to a Harvard study, unborn infants respond to more than just physical touch—they respond to their mother’s emotional state as well. It says that when mothers watch sad films, babies move less, but when a mother laughs, ultrasound images show that the baby is bouncing around happily. Another research has proven that the fetus can record much more detailed information than was previously taught and that the memory of the same remains intact even after birth. So, the pregnant woman should read good literature aloud to the baby. Read more, How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy and Beyond : The Proven Tips When Should Garbh Sanskar Begin? Garbh Sanskar’s “talk to baby” activities can start as early as 16 weeks of pregnancy. Mantra chanting (“Man” means mind and “Tra” means release) helps in keeping the energies flowing through the pregnant woman’s body, maintaining a state of resonance. It increases oxygen in her brain, reduces heart rate and blood pressure, and assists in creating calm brainwave activity. It helps prevent pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, and intrauterine growth retardation. Know the bonus: The resonance also reaches the baby’s brain and forms cell connections for growth. One study found that around 24 weeks, the babies developed specific preferences for music while in the womb. So now our question: does listening to music do anything more than calming the mom and baby? In a study, researchers studying pregnant women who listened to the Carnatic music of Kalyani Raga for 20 minutes each day found an improvement in the unborn baby’s reflexes, responses, movement, and mental stimulation. Classical music was growing the baby’s brain. Double Benefits for Mother and Baby – Garbh Sanskar Garbh Sanskar not only benefits the unborn baby but the mom as well. It not only inculcates positive thinking and attitude but also promotes overall physical well-being.  Every little effort the pregnant woman makes to connect with the baby with thoughts, mantras, pregnancy yoga classes, and stories from mythology works powerfully. Understanding Garbh Sanskar: The Basics Garbh Sanskar, you may have heard this word. What does it mean? “Garbh” means womb, and “Sanskar” means instilling values. So, instilling values in the unborn child is nothing but Garbh Sanskar. With just a few simple traditional practices and Garbh Sanskar activities, you can contribute to your child’s cognitive development, and it also helps the mother. So, there is a double benefit—to the mother and the baby. As we have discussed earlier, scientific research and evidence have proven that babies in the womb have an infinite capacity to grow their minds and senses by simple external stimulation. The baby is not an object inside; it is a live, kicking human in development. So, this is the right time to instill good values in your child. Connecting to Your Baby During Pregnancy Now, how does a pregnant woman connect to the baby using Garbh Sanskar practices? Let’s say you watched a web show today, and there was a lot of violence in it. Do you know the thoughts generated in your mind reached the baby promptly and impacted the baby as well? In Garbh Sanskar, we think about good things, we do things that increase happiness hormones, and they impact our baby directly. Garbh Sanskar tells us how to actually synchronize everything. A simple example: if

How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy
Pregnacy Care, Womencare

How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy and Beyond : The Proven Tips

Hi Mommy, Do you want to know, How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy? We all want a very intelligent child. I, Dr. Seema Gupta, will tell you four simple ways, how your child can be very intelligent.  We know, in pregnancy, we do several things to increase the intelligence of the baby. One thing that we are doing, a lot is eating, the right kind of food for an intelligent baby during pregnancy.  To make the baby smarter, to boost the baby’s IQ, for fetal brain development, and for better cognitive development of the baby, prenatal nutrition, prenatal exercise, a healthy lifestyle, nutrition for pregnant women, and the importance of hydration, all are very necessary tools. But besides food, maternal mental well-being, your thoughts really impact your baby’s development. Dimensions of human intelligence Now, what is the role of intelligence in human life?  You can make your baby smarter by increasing its IQ, SQ, EQ, and AQ.  Now, what is intelligence?  The ability to respond in a certain situation with balanced emotions is intelligence. What are the dimensions of human intelligence? It is: Brain Development Tips Different parts of the brain control different things. So, when you involve your entire brain – left side, right side, midbrain – and use the complete brain, you can have a very intelligent baby. The left part of the brain is important for IQ and rational thinking. It happens by serial processing of information. Intellectual intelligence is on this side. Read more, 10 Reasons for Faint Line on Pregnancy Test How does IQ grow? Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy The right side of the brain, on the other hand, is responsible for emotional quotient and creativity.  When you’re doing different activities, both these parts of the brain work. Now, the SQ, or Spiritual Quotient, balances both the left and the right sides of the brain.  The Agility Quotient, again, integrates all these three things together, making you strong and happy. According to the WHO, what is health?  “It is the state of physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being, and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.” William Stern termed IQ. He said there’s something called Intelligent Quotient.  What is that?  Our cognitive ability to solve problems rationally while understanding and interpreting new ideas. Daniel Goleman coined EQ – Emotional Quotient. He said just using your intelligence is not enough if emotions are not there. Zohar and Marshall termed SQ, or Spiritual Quotient. They explained its importance: if the leaves are good, it is important, but the roots have to be deep-rooted and strong to have a good world. How to boost baby IQ? Do you think it is possible to boost the IQ in a baby? How can you do it? Zohar and Marshall said that computers have IQ, and animals have EQ, but humans are different because they have a Spiritual Quotient (SQ). So, what sets us apart is the SQ.  When you go home and have a pet dog, it shows only love, love, love. When you go to the office in the corporate world, everybody is using their intelligence. But as humans, if you are spiritually connected, you can balance all these. What are the activities you can do?  You can play puzzles, solve riddles, and read information blogs.  Read more, How to Get Periods Immediately if Delayed – Treatment How to increase EQ? Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy Now, how to increase the Emotional Quotient (right side of the brain, that is creativity)? Classical Music and Babies Listen to ragas. Talk to your baby. Program your baby – they are right there inside you.  You can even feel the movements of your baby, so talk to them and connect. Emotions develop at different stages of your pregnancy. The senses are developing, emotions are developing, feelings are developing – and all this starts in utero.  So, when you become creative, you can pick hobbies like drawing, painting, mandala art, rangoli, bird watching, or photography.  All these will increase fetal stimulation and the right brain development. The brain is the only organ in our body that can be sculpted during pregnancy. So, whatever seeds you sow will grow in your baby. How to increase SQ? Now, how can you increase your SQ? What activities can help?  On your mobile phone, you may be having lots of meditation for you.  You can listen to stories, especially moral stories. When you read these stories, your feelings and emotions will automatically transfer to your baby. There are several books to read during pregnancy for intelligent baby This is not formal education. Remember, your baby hears everything and watches you constantly – like a CCTV! These activities will work as educational activities for babies In 1990, a research study by neurophysiologist Michael Persinger and neurologist V.S. Ramachandran at the University of California discovered the “God Spot” in the temporal lobe of the brain.  On scanning, they noticed that when they spoke about spirituality, this spot would start glowing. These are the intelligent baby signs. We have a brain, a body, and a mind. All these three things together make us who we are. How to increase AQ? The Agility Quotient is very important. It’s a combination of a person’s mindset, skills, and tools for dealing with change. If you don’t have that fire within to balance everything, you will lose the battle soon.  So, it is important to integrate all four qualities (IQ, EQ, SQ, AQ) when your baby is growing, for them to be complete, strong, and healthy – both physically and mentally. Only you, as a mother, along with your husband and immediate family, can bring this safety and security through your bonding activities when the baby is in the womb. Studies have proven that so many problems start from the womb. So, don’t be stressed or tense, because those emotions will pass on to your baby. Reduce stress during pregnancy I want you to be absolutely healthy – physically, mentally, and spiritually. Spirituality doesn’t mean religion.  Many people in the research showed that atheists had more values than so-called religious people. So, just stay happy, play good games, and do positive activities for the fetal brain development. I hope this article, How To Make Your Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy, will be useful for

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